A mother kissing her young daughter

Helping Your Child to Become More Confident

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Confidence is important for children because it allows them to feel capable and optimistic. It allows them to feel proud of what they’ve achieved thus far, but also maintain a growth mindset so that they are always learning and moving forward. As such, they are more likely to succeed at school and beyond. Here are some tips from a private girls’ school in Manchester on how to help your child become more confident.

Provide a Positive Home Environment

Your child’s attitude will largely reflect your own, so try and provide them with an upbeat, positive home environment where they feel comfortable to embrace themselves and develop their personality. Praise your child when you notice them displaying positive behaviour, such as hard work or compassion. Remind them that you are proud of them, even if they don’t always get the best grades or if they make mistakes. They need to feel loved and supported no matter what.

There is a family of mum, dad, daughter and son and a dog walking on the beach away from the ocean

Set Some Goals for Your Child

Allow your child to experience that sense of pride that goes alongside achieving something by setting them new goals on a regular basis. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a challenging goal, it could be something as simple as setting the table. Every time they accomplish something and receive praise for it, they will become increasingly more confident in themselves and their own abilities and may even start to set their own goals, seeking the thrill of triumph.

Encourage Extra-Curricular Activities

Pursuing a hobby is a fantastic opportunity for your child to grow in confidence, because they will learn various new skills, make new friends, and generally just become more comfortable in their own skin. There are so many extra-curricular activities to choose from, such as drama, music, or sports, or something less traditional like debate club or chess club.

Looking For More Tips For Raising Confident Kids?

two young girls hugging each other
A child sitting on the end of a slide tying a shoelace
A girl crouching down to a puddle to explore