A family sit on some grass and sand with their dog. They are all dressed in white and smiling at the camera

Helping Your Child With Their Communication Skills

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As we’re entering a digital age and children are becoming increasingly addicted to their devices, communication is becoming something that’s just harder to do. They are not receiving the same practice that they would have done by going out and playing with their friends. We’ve teamed up with a private school to share some tips on how you can help your child with their communication skills below.

Talk To Your Child

It seems simple but the more that you talk to your child, the more they will be able to practice their communication skills and get better. Some children are shy and are nervous about interacting with others which is where you can step in and ask them about their day. In turn, you will also be able to build a stronger bond and a line of communication.

Young Children

If your child is too young to have full conversations, or any for that matter, talk to them slowly as if they are able to understand and respond. Seeing your mouth move and hearing the words will help them to build familiarity. When they are ready, they will have proper words to sound and communicate to you with.

A woman looking at a book with a young girl


Going back to young children, you can read to them to help build their vocabulary. They will have the opportunity to come across new words and ask you about them. They can also learn through the context that they are used in and become better in their speech and writing.


Patience is an important part of communication. To communicate effectively, you need to understand what the other person is saying and interact with them accordingly.

Looking For More Tips For Raising Confident Kids?

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